Plot Overview
The Outsiders is a novel about a young man’s struggle to survive in a world filled with gangs, violence, and poverty. Ponyboy, the narrator, is a 14-year-old boy who happens to come from a dangerous neighborhood on the poor side of town. Ponyboy and his poor group of friends are collectively known as the Greasers. Their rivals, the Socials, better known as the Socs, are rich kids from the west side of town. Throughout the novel, we learn about Ponyboy’s many violent interactions with the Socs and how the consequences of being associated with a gang change his life forever.
The Greasers
The Greasers are more than just Ponyboy’s group of friends. They’re more like a family. In fact, two of the group’s members, Darry and Sodapop, are actually Ponyboy’s older brothers. Darry, the oldest of Ponyboy’s brothers, is also his legal guardian since his parents have recently died in a car accident. Ponyboy’s other friends include Steve, Two-Bit, Johnny, and Dallas. Together, this group makes up the gang known as the Greasers.
If you’re wondering why Ponyboy’s group called themselves the Greasers, it’s a reference to the gang’s signature hairstyle: long and slicked back, with lots of grease. In many ways, the Greasers are like your modern-day street gang. They commit petty crimes like stealing, and engage in your typical bad boy behavior: fighting, drinking, and smoking cigarettes.
The Greasers are looked at by the people of their community as wild and unruly because of their appearance, their occasional bad behavior, and their poor living conditions. But underneath their tough exterior, the Greasers are just boys who need to feel a sense of family and belonging. This intense need to belong causes them to protect and defend each other fiercely, especially against the attacks of the Socs.
The Socs
You’ve probably heard the saying ‘Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.’ This is certainly the case for the Socs, a rival gang comprised of rich kids from the west side of town. On the outside, the Socs appear to be good kids. They have lots of money, they dress well, and they drive nice cars. Underneath their goody two-shoe exterior, the Socs are really bullies who actively cruise the streets of the Greasers’ neighborhoods, looking for opportunities to attack. Like the Greasers, the Socs are often fighting and drinking alcohol. Whereas the Greasers are often emotional about the ins and outs of their lives, the Socs believe in playing it cool to the point of showing no feelings at all. Some of the Socs we meet in the novel are Randy, Robert, Cherry, and Marcia.
Important Interactions
In the first chapter of the novel, Ponyboy is walking home from the movies when he’s jumped by a group of Socs. Ponyboy states, ‘I heard a muttered curse and got slugged again, and they were stuffing a handkerchief in my mouth.’ Luckily, Ponyboy’s two older brothers as well as several other members of the gang come to his rescue and stop the fight. The scene shows us how far the Socs would go to antagonize the Greasers.
Ponyboy, Johnny, and the Socs Girls
The next night after Ponyboy is beat up by the Socs, he and his best friend Johnny, who is also a Greaser, go to the movies. They meet Cherry and Marcia, two girls from the Socs gang, and talk about the differences between Greasers and Socs with them until Bob and Randy appear. Bob and Randy are two Socs who accuse Ponyboy and Johnny of trying to steal their girls. They almost get into a fight, but the girls leave with the Socs guys willingly.
Johnny Stabs a Soc
One night, Ponyboy and his older brother Darry have a heated fight, and Ponyboy decides to run away with Johnny. They end up in a park in the middle of the night. Five Socs show up, and after a verbal exchange, a fight begins. The Socs try to drown Ponyboy in a fountain at the park, and he eventually passes out from being held under water. When he wakes up, he realizes that Johnny has stabbed Bob, one of the Socs, to death. Ponyboy responds by asking, ‘What are we gonna do? They put you in the electric chair for killing people!’ Panicked, the boys decide to skip town.
The Rumble
After Bob is stabbed, tensions between the Greasers and the Socs reach an all-time high. At the novel’s climax, the two gangs decide to settle their differences once and for all with a rumble, or gang fight. Greaser gangs from nearby suburbs come out to help in the fight, and this squares the numbers: 21 Greasers against 21 Socs. Right before the fight, Ponyboy realizes that he really doesn’t hate the Socs. All he really wants is peace between the two groups. The fight goes on, and the Greasers eventually win the fight.
No Happy Endings
While the Greasers win the rumble, ultimately nobody on either side wins. The Socs have lost their friend Bob to violence with the Greasers. The Greasers lose Johnny, who dies after being injured while on the run with Ponyboy, and Dally, who robs a store, is shot and killed by the police. Ponyboy struggles to heal after all the violence and death he has experienced, and this shows in his attitude and performance at school.
Lesson Summary
The Outsiders is a novel about a boy named Ponyboy and his experiences with gang violence. Ponyboy belongs to a poor gang called the Greasers, who are in a fiercely violent rivalry with a wealthy gang called the Socs. Both gangs participate in negative behaviors, such as drinking and fighting. Their rivalry turns deadly when members of both gangs lose their lives.