【路由器】OpenWrt 配置使用

  • 配置防火墙

     uci set $(uci show firewall | sed -n -e "/\.name='wan'$/s//.masq6='1'/p" | sed -n -e "1p") uci set $(uci show firewall | sed -n -e "/\.name='Allow-ICMPv6-Forward'$/s//.enabled='0'/p" | sed -n -e "1p") uci commit firewall 
     cat << "EOF" > /etc/firewall.nat6 # NAT6 + masquerading firewall script # https://github.com/akatrevorjay/openwrt-masq6 # trevorj <github@trevor.joynson.io> # # You can configure in /etc/config/firewall per zone: # * IPv4 masquerading # option masq 1 # * IPv6 masquerading # option masq6 1 # * IPv6 privacy extensions # option masq6_privacy 1 set -e -o pipefail . /lib/functions.sh . /lib/functions/network.sh . /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh log() { logger -t nat6 -s "${@}" } get_ula_prefix() { uci get network.globals.ula_prefix } validate_ula_prefix() { local ula_prefix="${1}" if [ $(echo "${ula_prefix}" | grep -c -E -e "^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}):([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):") -ne 1 ] ; then log "Fatal error: IPv6 ULA ula_prefix=\"${ula_prefix}\" seems invalid. Please verify that a ula_prefix is set and valid." return 1 fi } ip6t() { ip6tables "${@}" } ip6t_add() { if ! ip6t -C "${@}" &> /dev/null; then ip6t -I "${@}" fi } nat6_init() { iptables-save -t nat \ | sed -e " /\sMASQUERADE$/d /\s[DS]NAT\s/d /\s--match-set\s\S*/s//\06/ /,BROADCAST\s/s// /" \ | ip6tables-restore -T nat } masq6_network() { # ${config} contains the ID of the current section local network_name="${1}" local device network_get_device device "${network_name}" || return 0 local done_net_dev for done_net_dev in ${DONE_NETWORK_DEVICES}; do if [ "${done_net_dev}" = "${device}" ]; then log "Already configured device=\"${device}\", so leaving as is." return 0 fi done log "Found device=\"${device}\" for network_name=\"${network_name}\"." if [ "${zone_masq6_privacy}" -eq 1 ]; then log "Enabling IPv6 temporary addresses for device=\"${device}\"." log "Accepting router advertisements on ${device} even if forwarding is enabled (required for temporary addresses)" echo 2 > "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${device}/accept_ra" \ || log "Error: Failed to change router advertisements accept policy on ${device} (required for temporary addresses)" log "Using temporary addresses for outgoing connections on interface ${device}" echo 2 > "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/${device}/use_tempaddr" \ || log "Error: Failed to enable temporary addresses for outgoing connections on interface ${device}" fi append DONE_NETWORK_DEVICES "${device}" } handle_zone() { # ${config} contains the ID of the current section local config="${1}" local zone_name config_get zone_name "${config}" name # Enable masquerading via NAT6 local zone_masq6 config_get_bool zone_masq6 "${config}" masq6 0 log "Firewall config=\"${config}\" zone=\"${zone_name}\" zone_masq6=\"${zone_masq6}\"." if [ "${zone_masq6}" -eq 0 ]; then return 0 fi # IPv6 privacy extensions: Use temporary addrs for outgoing connections? local zone_masq6_privacy config_get_bool zone_masq6_privacy "${config}" masq6_privacy 1 log "Found firewall zone_name=\"${zone_name}\" with zone_masq6=\"${zone_masq6}\" zone_masq6_privacy=\"${zone_masq6_privacy}\"." log "Setting up masquerading nat6 for zone_name=\"${zone_name}\" with zone_masq6_privacy=\"${zone_masq6_privacy}\"" local ula_prefix="$(get_ula_prefix)" validate_ula_prefix "${ula_prefix}" || return 1 local postrouting_chain="zone_${zone_name}_postrouting" log "Ensuring ip6tables chain=\"${postrouting_chain}\" contains our MASQUERADE." ip6t_add "${postrouting_chain}" -t nat \ -m comment --comment "!fw3" -j MASQUERADE local input_chain="zone_${zone_name}_input" log "Ensuring ip6tables chain=\"${input_chain}\" contains our permissive DNAT rule." ip6t_add "${input_chain}" -t filter -m conntrack --ctstate DNAT \ -m comment --comment "!fw3: Accept port forwards" -j ACCEPT local forward_chain="zone_${zone_name}_forward" log "Ensuring ip6tables chain=\"${forward_chain}\" contains our permissive DNAT rule." ip6t_add "${forward_chain}" -t filter -m conntrack --ctstate DNAT \ -m comment --comment "!fw3: Accept port forwards" -j ACCEPT local DONE_NETWORK_DEVICES="" config_list_foreach "${config}" network masq6_network log "Done setting up nat6 for zone=\"${zone_name}\" on devices: ${DONE_NETWORK_DEVICES}" } main() { nat6_init config_load firewall config_foreach handle_zone zone } main "${@}" EOF cat << "EOF" >> /etc/sysupgrade.conf /etc/firewall.nat6 EOF 

    经过此步骤后会生成一个 /etc/firewall.nat6 脚本,并且加入了 /etc/sysupgrade.conf,保证系统升级后也不会丢失该脚本

     uci -q delete firewall.nat6 uci set firewall.nat6="include" uci set firewall.nat6.path="/etc/firewall.nat6" uci set firewall.nat6.reload="1" uci commit firewall /etc/init.d/firewall restart 
     uci set firewall.@zone[1].masq6="1" uci set firewall.@zone[1].masq6_privacy="1" uci commit firewall /etc/init.d/firewall restart 
  • 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/CoolBoySilverBullet/article/details/120922569

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